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过去(in the past)贵州(黔)(a province in China)这个地方(this place)没有(doesn't have)驴(donkey)。有个(there's)多事的(meddlesome)人(person)用船运(ship by boat)来了一头驴,运来后(after arrival)却(but)没有什么用处(no use whatsoever),就(so, and)把驴放到(put donkey to)山脚下(at the foot of a mountain)。
In the past there's no donkey in Guizhou (old name Qian) area. Some meddlesome guy shipped in one donkey by boat, but found no use of it after arrival, so put it at the foot of a mountain.
一只老虎(a tiger)看见了(see, spot)驴,以为(think)这个躯体(body)高大(big and tall)的家伙(guy)一定(must)很(very)神奇(miraculous),就躲(hide)在树林里偷偷(stealthily)观察着(observing),后来又悄悄(quietly)走出来,小心翼翼(carefully)地接近驴,不知道驴子的底细(exact details)。
A tiger spotted donkey, believed this big tall guy must be miraculous, hid itself in the woods observing in secret. Then came out quietly, approach donkey cautiously, not knowing its exact details.
A tiger spotted donkey, believed this big tall guy must be miraculous, hid itself in the woods observing in secret. Then came out quietly, approach donkey cautiously, not knowing its exact details.
观察(observe) 观察着(observing) ...着 (in the process of ...)
有一天(one day),驴叫了一声,老虎大吃一惊(startled),远远躲开,以为驴要咬(bite)自己了,非常恐惧(scared)。然而,老虎反复观察以后,觉得(think, feel)驴并没有什么特殊(special)本领(capability),而且(and)越来越(more and more)熟悉(be familiar with)驴的叫声了。
One day, donkey brayed. Tiger was startled, and ran far way to hide, fearing donkey was going to bite. However, after repeated observations, tigers didn't think donkey got any special capabilities, and was more and more used to its brays.
老虎开始(begin)走到驴的前后(front and back),转来转去,还不敢(dare)上去攻击(attack)驴。以后(later),老虎慢慢逼近(close in on)驴,越来越放肆(impudent, disrespectful),或者(or)碰(touch, bump)它一下,或者靠(lean on to)它一下,不断(nonstop)冒犯(offend)它。驴非常恼怒(angry),就用蹄子(hoof)去踢(kick)老虎。
Tiger began to walk to the front and back of donkey, circling around, not daring to attack donkey yet. Later, tiger closed in on donkey slowly, more and more disrespectful. Either touch it, or lean onto it a little bit, tiger offended donkey continuously. Donkey got raged, kicked tiger with hoof.
Tiger began to walk to the front and back of donkey, circling around, not daring to attack donkey yet. Later, tiger closed in on donkey slowly, more and more disrespectful. Either touch it, or lean onto it a little bit, tiger offended donkey continuously. Donkey got raged, kicked tiger with hoof.
老虎心里(in mind)盘算(calculate)着:“你的本事(skills)也不过如此罢了!”非常高兴。于是老虎腾空(get in the air)扑去(jump onto),大吼(roar)一声,咬断了(cut with bite)驴的喉管(throat),啃(gnaw, eat)完了驴的肉,才离去(leave)了。
"Your skills are so-so", tiger calculated in his mind, cheerfully. Thus tiger jumped onto donkey, with a big roar, snapped donkey's throat, gnawed all its meat, then left.
"Your skills are so-so", tiger calculated in his mind, cheerfully. Thus tiger jumped onto donkey, with a big roar, snapped donkey's throat, gnawed all its meat, then left.
唉(Alas)!那驴的躯体高大,好像(seems)有德行(virtuous);声音(sound, voice)洪亮(resonant),好像有本事。假如(if)不显出(show)那有限的(limited)本事,老虎虽然凶猛(fierce),也会存有疑虑(hesitation)畏惧(fear)的心理(mentality),终究(after all)不敢攻击它。现在落得如此下场(end),不是很可悲(lamentable)吗?
Alas! That donkey had huge body, seemed virtuous; got resonant voice, seemed capable. If it hadn't shown out limited skills, tiger would still be hesitated and feared, though fierce itself, and dared not to attack after all. Now donkey got such an ending, isn't it lamentable?
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