Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chinese language - Journey to the west - ep1(epic tv show)

Suppose you have commanded Pinyin, and know how to look up Chinese word through online dictionary so far.
Now let's enjoy Chinese culture through one famous TV show: 西游记 (Journey to the west).

Episode 1 (with Chinese subtitles)  http://tv.sohu.com/20100909/n274829142.shtml
Episode 1 (with English subtitles) 5 parts:

第一集 猴王初问世 Episode 1  Monkey king was born
故事梗概 Story line
在东胜神州傲来国海滨的花果山顶有一块仙石,化出了一个石猴。这石猴灵敏聪慧,他交结群猴,在水帘洞找到安家的好所在。群猴尊石猴为美猴王。 美猴王为寻找长生不老的仙方,独自驾筏,漂洋过海,来到一所渔村。他在斜月三星洞拜见了菩提祖师。祖师为他取名孙悟空。从此悟空参禅悟道,学习武艺,掌握 了七十二般变化的本领。
There's a 花果山(flower&fruit mountain) in 傲来国(country name) located in 东胜神州 (Purvavideha, one of 4 continents in Buddhism legend). On top of the mountain one immortal stone gave birth to a monkey. This stone monkey is intelligent and agile, he made friends with other monkeys, and found a nice home in 水帘洞(Water Curtain Cave). Other monkeys honor him as 美猴王 (Handsome Monkey King). In order to find elixir to be immortal, 美猴王 set out on a raft alone, traveled over seas and oceans, and arrived at a fishing village. In Sideling Moon Three Star Cave (斜月三星洞) he visited and paid respect to 菩提祖师(Pipal Buddha). Master gave him a name - Sun Wukong. From then on, Wukong began to learn Zen and doctrines of Tao, practice Kongfu, and mastered 72 kinds of transformation.


If you have questions, just put them in comments. I'll try my best to answer them.
For complete list of lessons, please visit http://daytodaychinese.net/Default.aspx?Level=1.

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